
Thursday, April 25, 2013


Recently I had a client who requested help with finding religious art for her home. As I was looking for images I realized how beautiful some of the pictures were and thought it would be nice to have more religious art in my own home. So I asked my husband what he thought about me buying some religious art and he said, "Sure, but where are we going to put it?" Good question. I don't know! Where do you put religious art in your home?

I currently have pictures of Jesus with the little children over both of my girls' beds.

And I love having an image of Jesus loving the little children in their rooms to remind them of what I believe, that Jesus loves them! But for whatever reason, I am not loving the idea of hanging any religious art in my main rooms. Maybe I think it's too personal? Or maybe I should because my religious beliefs are a big part of my life.

These images by Minerva Teichert are some of my favorite.

I also love this image by Brian Kershisnik.

What do you think? Where do you think religious art is best displayed?

I tried to find images of how others display their religious art but all I could really find was this image of designer Martyn Lawrence Bullard's own home...

I would love to hear your comments on where you would hang your religious art. And if you happen to have a picture of religious art in your home, please email me! I would love to see it!


  1. I have a cross that my dad drew hanging in our living room. It's grouped with other non-religious black/white drawings and prints. I love it for the reason you tells others what we stand for.

  2. i have a subtle 'mary' symbol on an entryway desk. It's in the form of an egg and I think it's mostly for Easter but I love it b/c it's gold so I keep it out all year long. I'm not overly religious but I like the subtle statement that it makes!

  3. I love the Kershisnik so much! I would put that, or any of his art anywhere I think. But, I would be more hesitant about others I think? I think maybe like you said, too personal. I don't know, maybe TOO literal. The Kershisnik one can be interpreted so many different ways, so I think it's more of a good conversation piece, and less of a religious statement (although there is absolutely nothing wrong with that). I don't have a single religious picture in my home for this very reason though. I guess maybe I need to get a Kershisnik:)

  4. First off I wanted to tell you how much I admire your design aesthetic and am in awe at what you have accomplished while juggling the demands of motherhood! In regards to your art…I greatly enjoy artwork and most pieces in my home are sentimental in some way. One of your posts mentions artwork that you have that is of Jon’s mission to brazil and I am sure that visual reminder is great for your entire family. I have a few pieces of religious art in my home since it is one of the most important aspects of my life and I want my family to have that same reminder as well. Sometimes I think in the realm of decorating we are to caught up in making our homes less personal and more magazine worthy (I am guilty of this) and forget that it is our personal retreat that surrounds us with what matters most. That is what I have enjoyed so much about the pictures of your own home is that every room has some kind of family heir loom that fits right in with your timeless design! Here are a few of my favorite pieces…Carl Bloch “Pool of Bethesda”, “Not by Bread Alone” Michael Dudash, “Thy will be done” Morgan Weistling., and I have a Greg Olsen “walk with me” hanging in my own home. Hope this helps!

  5. I don't have a lot of religious art, but I do have a byzantine style print of Mary & baby Jesus...I absolutely love it. I've had it in my entry but am probably going to move it to my family room. I think they can be hung (displayed) in any part of the home.

  6. Hello - I do love the art you chose for your girls room. May I also ask what color of pink you used for the wall paint? Thanks so much!
