
Friday, February 1, 2013

WHAT'S UP - 2.1.13

+ So last night's West Elm + Craft Lake City DIY Workshop was super fun. In fact a lot more fun than I was expecting. Making a dream catcher was trickier than I expected, but I really enjoyed the class and my finished product. Malinda was a great teacher and I have a new found respect for what she does.

Malinda Fisher of Desert Rose Jewelry introducing the dream catcher DIY class
beginning step
finished web
finished dream catcher necklace!
Thanks Malinda + West Elm + Craft Lake City for such a great night. Their next DIY Workshop is bookbinding and you better believe I'm signing up for that one!

+ Our dental office - Parley's Creek Dental - is getting close to being finished. My upholsterer sent me a pic of one of our finished side chairs for the waiting room.

We were on a budget so we found these chairs from Overstock. (click on pic to buy)

We weren't loving the light gray linen for this project so we decided on doing a mint buffalo check fabric from Pindler + Pindler.

And to make it so the chair didn't look too traditional for our space we decided to do a contrasting navy blue welt using our favorite $10 linen from Grayline Linen (click on pic to buy)

And this is the finished product! (Don't mind the background - upholstery shops are not beautiful spaces - sorry Brian :)

overstock chair + buffalo check + navy blue linen welt

This chair is a little more fun, don't you think?

+ Here's a little sneak peak as to what other fun fabrics are going in the dental office...

Romo Ortega collection fabric + Benjamin Moore Gray Owl paint swatch + buffalo check

Can I tell you how much in love with ROMO fabrics new collection?!! Let me show you how fantastic it is. 

I am using another ROMO fabric for my other project from their TULIPA collection that I equally am in love with.

I'm a sucker for a great floral fabric on a white background. 

+ And yes, my favorite project of all is still these little cuties...

I posted this pic of Eva on Instagram and tagged Eddie Ross (the king of beautiful table settings) and he actually commented on my photo! I'm a big fan of his so I was super excited...thanks again Eddie!

And that's what's up!! Hope you all have a fantastic weekend.