
Tuesday, September 25, 2012


I am so excited to have the extremely talented Emily from Recently as the first guest blogger for our series! This girl has style as you will see below (her blog is a new favorite - watch this girl - she is going places). I hope you all enjoy the new series! 

Hello all! It's Emily here, from Recently, and, let me just say how much I LOVE Marianne's idea for a guest series. If there's one thing I try to stick to when decorating my home, it's using things that have meaning to me in one way or another, so of course I couldn't wait to share the thoughtful design of my dining room with you!

I'll admit, I can be a slave to trends, but I try my hardest to only use items that I know I'll still love ten years down the road.  That being said, my budget calls for me to continue using some things that I might regret having purchased a few years ago.  I try to give those items a facelift if they need it, and in the meantime, save for (or keep a thrifty eye out for) the things I know I'll have forever.

Now for the fun part!  Here are some items from my dining room, and why I chose them:

1. My Grandparents' Painting: I listed this item first because it was the basis for the whole room.  I inherited this painting a few years ago, and, without a doubt, know it will be a main piece in my home forever.  I have the fondest memories of staring at it for hours as a girl, and becoming lost in the brush strokes.  It represents a beautiful part of my life, and I feel so honored to have it!

2. Thrift Store Frame and Drawing:  You can't see it, but the drawing in this $1 frame is of two mice kissing.  It's quirky things like this that I love to find and give a new home.  I was first attracted to the frame and the color of the mat, but when I saw those kissing mice, I knew it was mine.

3. Old Family Photos:  This one really needs no explanation, except that I find such happiness in displaying those old memories that might otherwise be locked away in a dusty album.

4. Vintage Hand Painted Bowl: Again, another thrift store find.  I was drawn to it by the intricate painting and beautiful colors.  

5. Craigslist Dining Chairs:  I knew they were the ones the minute I spotted them, and, as the world often works, I ended up knowing the person selling them.  We didn't realize we knew each other until I picked them up, but it was one those "meant to be" moments.

6. Mirror from Lowe's, With a DIY Twist: I love taking affordable things and making them a bit more my style with just a few added touches.  This mirror from Lowe's was a steal.  I liked the black color, but wanted the shape to stand out, so I used a Krylon gold leafing pen to add the gold outline.

7. Garage Sale Cabinet: We found this cabinet when we were first married, and it's seen a few different paint colors in its day.  It's one of those pieces that I'm not set on keeping, but for lack of a better alternative, it stays for now.  The great part about furniture like this, is that I can paint it without fear of ruining it.  It can always be painted a different color, and I love seeing what I can come up with.

8. Personal Paintings and Drawings: My husband and I both enjoy creating things, so if I need a piece of art for a specific frame, I'll either ask him to make something or I'll paint it myself if I'm feeling inspired.  I've been playing with watercolors lately, so one of them ended up here, along with a quick sketch I did of a spotted pig.  I love that I can switch them out as I wish, and there's always room for more creativity.

There you have it, my version of thoughtful design. Thanks to all of you for letting me share.  Marianne, I've absolutely loved revealing the "why" behind my room, and thank you again for having me!


  1. This is fabulous! Of course I adore Emily's space. Adore! Thanks for sharing the sources for every piece!

  2. SO happy to be here today! Can I gush about how much I adore this series any more? :) Thanks again Marianne!

  3. I loved hearing the stories behind each of the beautiful objects. It makes everything all the more special. So even though I had seen your dining room in S+S I had a new appreciation for it with the background. beautiful post!

  4. This is a great series! I believe in thoughtful design too and I look forward to reading more thoughts behind the design type stuff!

  5. Love seeing your dining room again and hearing more background! Really cool series!

  6. I'm glad I got introduced to your blog through Emily. Emily's blog is a favorite of mine and I've enjoyed reading about her projects and I always get good tips from her fashion posts too. I really like your idea for this series and will have to read up on some of the other posts - I think thoughtful design is so important and it's really the thing that some houses unfortunately lack.

  7. I adore Emily and I enjoyed this post so much!

  8. OMG this is so fabulous I can't stand it. Emily is awesome!!! Pretty, functional and meaningful.

  9. This is just awesome! I especially LOVE the painting you inherited from your grandparents! I would treasure this forever too! What a great post. And thanks for the intro to this blog!

  10. I love everything about Emily. She has the best taste!

  11. The gold leafing trick on the mirror was genious! I'm storing that idea away for the future, thanks for sharing you dining room Emily!
